Who We Are & What We Believe

Blog Toy Shop

Thank you so much for visiting the shop!! This first blog is a perfect opportunity to introduce who we are, how we came to be, what we believe and where we are going.

A Bit About Me

Hello!! My name is Caity and I am the shop owner. When I refer to the shop I use we, because the shop is not just mine. My family and friends offer support and advice every day. To me it is a group effort! With that said, I do want to tell you a little about myself, and how the shop came to be.

I have always been a huge fan of toys. When I was a child, I told my family that when I grew up I would open a toy store and everything would be $1 ( I was also very forward thinking). I had a one track mind and my thoughts revolved around all things toys. But we grow older and our interests change and my toys were pushed to the side. Then I had my daughter, and my love of toys was renewed. Looking at toys through the lens of an adult and a parent is much different. I now not only look at a toy and notice how cute, or soft, or fun it is, but also what values does it teach my child? How does it help her express herself? How does it help her see the world? I now look for toys that reflect our family values, are beautiful, well made, fun and organically help my daughter's development. From this came Where the Sidewalk Ends Toy Shop!

I was a buyer and and merchant in the fashion industry in NYC for almost 10 years before moving to Denver, Colorado with my husband. We adopted a greyhound, had a my daughter and settled in to our life. I have always dreamed of opening my own shop. 2020 being the year of the unexpected led to some self reflection and planning for what I wanted to do professionally. I decided to follow the trend of the unexpected and open the shop. And the rest is history!

Our Values

Our values guide us in what we choose to offer in the shop. We will continue to  support brands that share our beliefs. Brands that represent all children and their families. Brands that believe in the importance of cultivating creativity and curiosity. Brands that see the importance in developing social and emotional skills. Brands that make beautiful toys. Most of all brands that believe that play is a priority!

Where We Are Going

That is who we are, how we came to be and what we believe. Going forward this blog will share writings from people much more qualified and interesting than myself, educators, health care professionals and experts in childhood development who I know and love. I hope you find this blog to be a place to  learn something new, or dive deeper into a topic you are already familiar with.

I look forward to chatting again!





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